Devsecops Hands-on Tutorials
1. Overview DevSecOps pipeline
2. First pipeline - check version
3. Receive GitHub webhooks on Jenkins without public IP
4. Github intergrate + Maven build
5. Unit Test and JaCoCo
6. Build - push stage
7. Kubernetes Architecture
8. Hooks, Pre-commit, pre-push
9. Mutation tests
10. SAST
11. SCA
12. OPA - docker
13. Trivy - scan docker image
14. OPA - k8s
15. Trivy - scan k8s image
16. Kubesec
17. Integration test
18. DAST
19. Fix X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing
20. Chatgpt Q&A ZAP rule
21. Slack jenkins alert
22. groovy custom send notification slack in vars folder
23. Custom jenkins alert
24. CIS benchmark with kube-bench
25. Istio service mesh - Production deployment
26. K8s monitoring
27. Falco Slack Notifications
28. Kubescan
29. Integration test production
30. Alert manager
31. Vault
32. Remove old build
33. Fix trivy
34. Fix k8s issue
35. Up interface
36. Set static ip
37. Fix error swap vmware
38. Create file shell autorun
39. Backup sonarqube, jenkins